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4A CHAIR'S REPORT, submitted by Chair Black

September 3, 2019 ANC Meeting

TOPS= Public Space Permit Application 333209. This was a notice dated 8/15/2019 seeking an exception to the rules regarding signage. The property is located at 4606 16th Street, NW, Nineteenth Street Baptist Church. The review due date was noted as 8/19/19. This notice was sent electronically. In addition , the most recent listing of permits shows an entry SG 1900408, dated 8/28/2019 that shows a permit was issued to install new "LED message" for a sign to replace the existing sign. The size is noted as 4x by 4x.

8/23/2019, D1901040, 2035 Parkside. A permit was issued for the removal of certain non-load bearing walls.

8/23/2019, ABRA-098818. Deset Ethiopian Restaurant, LLC has again applied for the renewal of an alcoholic beverage license at the premises located at 6128 Georgia Avenue, NW. (Resolution)

8/29/2019, B 1914089. DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) is reconstructing Aspen Street, NW between 16th and Georgia Avenue in conjunction with the redevelopment of the former Walter Reed Medical Center. The improvements include the widening of the right-of-way, a shifting of the roadway, curbs and sidewalks, and adding a multi-use trail, drainage structure, lights, trees and relocation of bus stops.

8/26/2019, AN 1900304. A permit was requested for 3900 16th Street, NW to remove 12 existing antennas and install 9 antennas and remove 6 RRHS and install 6 RRHS.

8/27/2019, Application for 4300 16th Street, NW was accepted. AT&T proposes to replace nine existing "RRHs and ancillary cabling on an existing roof top telecommunications site.

8/5/2019 Notice of application filed with the DC Board of Zoning Adjustment, filed by The Parks at Walter Reed (TPWR). The applicant wants to develop a mixed-use project with ground floor retail space, which does not comply with the SO foot uninterrupted, maximum linear retail frontage restriction along Elder Street, in the 7100 block of Georgia Avenue. The parcel is located in IJ. (Resolution)

As Chair of the ANC 4A, I participated, as the designated representative of the Commission 4A, at a status conference before ABRA regarding the ANC 4A's opposition to the renewal of the ABRA license for Betty GoJo's. The ANC 4A voted in May of 2019 to oppose the application. We (ANC 4A) are among the parties given standing to participate in this proceeding. There is no further action to report at this time . If there is anything that comes to my attention that requires the action of 4A, I will place the matter on our ANC 4A agenda.

The DC Council is preparing for a final vote on the Framework Element of the Comprehensive Plan on September 17th • According to the Director of the Office of Planning, after the Council vote, there draft Plan Amendment would be released to the public and there would be a 60-day Public Review Period. During October through November, there should be public meetings before the Council.

The Board of Elections gave notice to the public that there was a vacancy in SMD 4A05. The Circulation period was from August 5, 2019 through Monday August 26, 2019. The challenge period was announced as open between August 29, 2019 and September 4, 2019.

ANC 4A Budget - The end of the fiscal year is September 30, 2019. At our next Commission meeting, we will need to vote on our annual budget. We should also consider whether we should continue to maintain an ANC office (at a cost of $800 per month).

Livability Study follow-up. We are awaiting the notice of intent to be issued for the installation of the sidewalks along Blagden Avenue, NW and on Mathewson Drive, NW. DDOT has not provided the NOi or timeline .

A Capital bikeshare was added in 4A08, on 17th Street, NW, near Upshur Street, over the summer.

On 8/21/2019, many Commissioners and community leaders received an invitation to attend a meeting at the Office of the United States Attorney to discuss legislation that is pending before the DC Council. The legislation is titled, the Second Look Amendment Act of 2019. The legislation pertains to the reduction of sentence for certain offenders . The meeting is at the US Attorney's Office at 555 4th Street, NW on September 5, 2019 at 6:30 PM.

"Open Streets" event planned for Saturday, October 5th• Georgia Avenue, between Barry Place and Missouri Avenue, NW. would be closed to motorists from 6AM to 5 PM. Missouri Avenue and Florida Avenue would carry east-west traffic. On August 29, 2019, I listened during an ANC telephone "townhall," where information was provided to ANC commissioners regarding an event that is scheduled to take place on October 5, 2019. The Open Streets was described as a program that temporarily closes streets to auto traffic, buses, and parking. The information says this is an international program and "supports health, wellness, physical activity, broadening of transportation choices and reimaging of our streets." It was announced as a strategy to increase transportation safety and awareness. Electric Bikes & Scooters would be featured, along with the Capital Bikeshare.

The city is planning to attend the ANC meetings in September to promote this proposed event. The ANCs did not get notice or the opportunity to comment on this before it was announced. It is unclear how buses will be rerouted or what is in place for emergency vehicles. It is also unclear as to whether this meets the definition of public use. The federal laws require that the streets be kept open for full public use. Federal regulations state that the "temporary or permanent occupancy or use of a right-of-way within the Federal aid highways may be approved by the Federal Highway Administrator if he or she determines that such occupancy, use or reservation is in the public interest and will not impair the highway or interfere with the free and safe flow of traffic thereon." 23 CFR Section 1.23(c). Has this been coordinated sufficiently with the federal government or WMATA or the impacted ANCs?

In the interest of time, I am providing residents with this overview of some of the information that we have received during the summer.

Gale Black, Chair, ANC 4A


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