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PLEASE NOTE: In compliance with Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition, ยง48, page 468, the minutes of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A are a record of the actions taken by the Commission, not a record of what people said during the meeting. Accordingly, comments made by commissioners or members of the public will not be recorded in detail in
the minutes.

The meeting was held in the community meeting room, Metropolitan Police Department Fourth
District Headquarters, 6001 Georgia Avenue N.W. Commissioner Gale Black, Chair (and ANC
4A08) called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Also present were Commissioners 4A01 Phyllis
Green, 4A02 Stacey Lincoln, 4A03 Stephen Whatley, 4A04 Patience Singleton, 4A06 Candace
Nelson and 4A07 Marlene Moss. A quorum was present for all votes.

1. Approval of Administrative Matters (Agenda, Minutes, and Consent Agenda)

a. The agenda was approved as amended without objection, by consensus.

b. Commissioner Whatley moved that the June 4, 2019 and September 3, 2019 minutes be
approved. Seconded by Commissioner Moss. Passed unanimously .

2. Resolutions and Letters:

1. 4A-19-10-01-01 -- Commissioner Black moved that ANC 4A support the Community
Enhancement request to purchase "Doggy Bags"

Seconded by Commissioner Whatley

The motion passed 6 ayes, 0 nays and 1 abstention. (Commissioner Black)

2. 4A-19-10-01-02 -- Commissioner Black moved that ANC 4A support continuation of Rent
Control regulations.

Seconded by Commissioner Whatley

The motion passed 7 ayes, 0 nays and 0 abstention.

3. 4A-19-10-01-03 - Commissioner Whatley moved that ANC 4A support the DDOT NOi for
the intersection of 14th and Aspen Streets NW.

Seconded by Commissioner Green.

The motion passed 7 ayes, 0 nays, and O abstention.

3. Presentations and Reports

a) Captain Porter gave the report for the Metropolitan Police Department , Fourth
District, and reported on current crimes and law enforcement issues in ANC 4A.

b) Gabrielle Priest representing the office of the Mayor spoke of upcoming events.

c) Ms. Sheryl Newman, representing Councilmember Todd, gave an update on issues of
concern to Ward 4.

d) Mr. Frazer O'Leary- spoke on Education issues. Mr. O'Leary discussed the feeder
schools that feed into Coolidge High School.

e) Irene Thompson spoke on Children's National Medical Center's upcoming plans. She agreed to hold a special meeting with Commissioner Whatley concerning a request for Zoning Map and Text Amendments.

f) Hines-Urban Atlantic-Triden spoke on the Dog Park, Playground, and Arts Center at
Walter Reed. Commissioner Whatley announced that he would hold a special
meeting prior to making a recommendation or proposing a resolution.

g) Commissioner Whatley moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Chair Black and adopted unanimously.

h) Michael Bing, DSLDB, spoke on the process of filing diversity reports concerning the
development at Walter Reed. He noted that the reports are due 30 days after the
end of the quarter (March, June, September and December). DLSDB reviews them
for up to 30 days. After that period the statistics should be available to ANC 4A.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.


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