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PLEASE NOTE: In compliance with Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition, ยง48, page 468, the minutes of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A are a record of the actions taken by the Commission, not a record of what people said during the meeting. Accordingly, comments made by commissioners or members of the public will not be recorded in detail in
the minutes.
The meeting was held in the community meeting room, Metropolitan Police Department Fourth
District Headquarters, 6001 Georgia Avenue N.W. Commissioner Gale Black, Chair (and ANC
4A08) called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Also present were Commissioners 4A01 Phyllis
Green, 4A02 Stacey Lincoln, 4A03 Stephen Whatley, 4A04 Patience Singleton, 4A06 Candace
Nelson and 4A07 Marlene Moss. A quorum was present for all votes.
1. Approval of Administrative Matters (Agenda, Minutes, and Consent Agenda)
a. The agenda was approved without objection, by acclimation. The agenda was adopted
7 yes, 0 no.
b. Commissioner Whatley moved that the Quarterly Report for the period ending Q1 2018
be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Moss. Passed unanimously.
c. Chair Black moved to accept the March 5th and April 2nd, 2019 minutes . Seconded by
Commissioner Singleton. Motion carried.
d. Commissioners were provided with a listing of the ANC 4A office procedures for
informational purposes.
2A. Resolutions: ABRA Licenses
1. Commissioner Lincoln Moved that ANC 4A Table the renewal applications for:
a. Betty's GoJo
b. Nile Restaurant and Market
c. Champion Kitchen
Seconded by Commissioner Singleton
The motion failed 0 ayes, 6 nays and 1 abstention (Commissioner Lincoln).
2. Commissioner Black moved that ANC 4A submit a letter in opposition to the renewal of
the ABRA license for Betty's Gojo. Seconded by Commissioner Whatley . The motion
passed 6 ayes, O nays, and 1 absention (Commissioner Lincoln).
3. No action was taken on Champion Kitchen or the Nile Restaurant.
4. Commissioner Nelson moved that ANC 4A oppose the renewal of the ABRA license for
Deset Ethiopian Restaurant. Seconded by Chair Black. The motion carried.
5. Commissioner Nelson tabled discussion of the application for ABRA renewal of La Villa
2B. Commissioner Whatley moved that ANC 4A oppose an exception for the Takoma Place
Apartments developer to work on Veteran's Day, Columbus Day, and Emancipation Day.
Seconded by Commissioner Moss. The motion carried unanimously .
3. Presentations and Reports
a) Commander Randy Griffin gave the report for the Metropolitan Police Department,
Fourth District, and reported on current crimes and law enforcement issues in ANC
b) The Honorable Muriel Bowser, Mayor, shared an update and responded to
questions for ANC 4A residents.
c) Nykisha Cleveland, of DCPC, reported on the Police complaint process.
d) Ms. Sheryl Newman, representing Councilmember Todd, gave an update on issues of
concern to Ward 4.
e) Mr. Frazer O'Leary- spoke on Education issues. Noted the new Chancellor had been
f) There was a presentation concerning Solar Panels at Children's National Medical
center .
6. Commissioner Whatley moved that the meeting be adjourned . It was seconded by Chair
Black and adopted unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.
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