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Minutes – Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A

May 2, 2017 Regular Public Meeting

The meeting was held in the community meeting room, MPD 4th District Headquarters, 6001 Georgia Avenue N.W.. Commissioner Stephen Whatley, Chair (and ANC 4A01) called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Also present were Commissioners 4A01 Phyllis Green, 4A02 Stacey Lincoln, 4A04 Patience Singleton, 4A05 Deborah Pope, 4A06 Karrye Braxton, 4A07 Dave Wilson and 4A08 Gale Black. A quorum was present for all votes.

1) Approval of the Agenda

Commissioner Pope moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Braxton seconded the motion. The motion was approved, 8 yes, 0 no.

2) Approval of the FY 2017 2nd Quarter Financial Report

Commissioner Lincoln moved that the FY 2017 second quarter report be approved. Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion. The motion was adopted unanimously, 8 yes, 0 no.

3) Reconsideration of Resolution Adopted September 1, 2015 Supporting the Jamal’s Gateway D.C. Project at Eastern and Georgia Avenues N.W.

Commissioner Whatley moved that the Commission reconsider the resolution adopted at the public meeting on September 1, 2015 supporting the Jamal’s Gateway D.C. project at Georgia and Eastern Avenues N.W., and specifically the closing of a public alley on the property.. Commissioner Singleton seconded the motion.

The motion was adopted by roll call vote, 5 yes, 2 no.

The roll call vote:


4A02 Lincoln 4A06 Braxton

4A03 Whatley 4A08 Black

4A04 Singleton

4A05 Pope

4A07 Wilson

3) Rescinding Support for Closing of a Public Alley at the Site of the Jamal’s Gateway DC Development

Commissioner Lincoln moved that the Commission rescind its support for the alley closing at the development site for sixty days in order to consider additional information on traffic congestion and other issues. Commissioner Singleton seconded the motion.

The motion was adopted 6 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain.

4) Resolution Supporting the Walter Reed Area V/U Conceptual Design

Following a presentation by Ms. Caroline Kenney, Hines-Urban Atlantic-Triden, Commissioner Whatley moved that the Commission adopt a resolution supporting the proposed conceptual design. Commissioner Braxton seconded the motion.

Following discussion and comments from the public, the Commission deferred consideration of this matter to a special public meeting scheduled for April 17, 2017.

5) Resolution: Modification of DC International School Building, Walter Reed Campus

Following a presentation, Commissioner Whatley moved that the Commission adopt a resolution supporting an application for a special exeption from the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Commissioner Singleton seconded the motion. The motion was adopted unanimously, 7 yes, 0 no.

The adopted resolution:

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A (the Commission) takes note of the following:

The Applicant is presently modifying its building as a school.

The Applicant is requesting special exception relief for the rooftop mechanical screening requirements under 11 DCMR Subtitle C Section 1500.6 of the 2016 Zoning Codes. (See Attachment 1)

The current requirements are unduly restrictive and prohibitively costly. (See Attachment 2 Self-Certification Memorandum)

The requested modifications would make the mechanical equipment less intrusive to the neighbors to the south on Aspen Street. (See Attachment 3 DCOZ Case Report)


That ANC 4A supports the Zoning Relief as requested by DC International School.


That Commissioner Stephen A. Whatley is hereby authorized to serve as the Commission’s representative.


That, in the event the designated representative Commissioner cannot carry out his representative duties for any reason, the Commission authorizes the Chairperson to designate another Commissioner to represent the Commission in all matter relating to this resolution.


Consistent with DC Code §1-309, only actions of the full Commission voting in a properly noticed public meeting have standing and carry great weight. The actions, positions and opinions of individual commissioners, insofar as they may be contradictory to or otherwise inconsistent with the expressed position of the full Commission in a properly adopted resolution or letter, have no standing and cannot be considered as in any way associated with the Commission.

6) Resolution: Establishment of a Standing Committee on Design Review

Commissioner Lincoln moved that the Commission adopt a resolution establishing a Standing Committee on Design Review. Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.

Following discussion, Commissioner Whatley moved that consideration of the resolution be postponed to the May 2, 2017 public meeting.. Commissioner Black seconded the motion. The motion was adopted, 5 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain..

Community Comments and Concerns

1) Ms. Jourdinia Brown thanked those who participated in helping remove snow from the sidewalks and steps of senior citizens.

2) Mr. David Jefferson complained that ANC 4A failed to follow up on the impact of the Jamal’s Gateway development at Georgia and Eastern Avenues after it recommended approval of the project in September, 2015 and did not address adverse impacts.

3) Mr. David Gillers discussed the Jamals Gateway traffic study and the public safety risks of increased traffic.

Presentations and Reports

1) Lieutenant ___[name inaudible], Metropolitan Police Department, 4th District, discussed current crimes in the ANC 4A area and crime prevention measures.

2) ‘Councilmember Brandon Todd, Ward 4, reported on issues of current concern to the Ward and legislative issues, and answered questions from commissioners and the public.

3) Mr. Jerry Audi, AT&T, presented information on AT&T’s plan to replace its cellphone antennas in the tower of Grace Lutheran Church at 4300 16th Street N.W.

Commissioner Whatley moved that the meeting be adjourned. Commission Black seconded the motion. The motion was adopted, 8 yes, 0 no.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

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