Minutes – Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A
December 6, 2016 Regular Public Meeting
Approved January 3, 2017
The meeting was held in the Community Meeting Room, Metropolitan Police 4th District Headquarters, 6001 Georgia Avenue N.W. Commissioner Gale Black, Chair (and ANC 4A08) called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Also present were Commissioners 4A01 Acqunetta Anderson, 4A03 Stephen Whatley, 4A04 Patience Singleton, and 4A07 Dave Wilson. Commissioners 4A02 Dwayne Toliver and 4A06 Karrye Braxton were absent. A quorum was present for all votes.
1) Approval of the Agenda
Commissioner Whatley moved to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion. The motion was approved, 5 yes, 0 no.
2) Approval of Quarterly Report
Commissioner Whatley moved to approve the FY 2016 4th Quarter Report. Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion. The motion was adopted, 4 yes, 1 no.
3) Resolution: R4A-16-1201 Lowell School PUD Extension of Time
Commissioner Anderson moved that a resolution supporting the Lowell School application for an extension of time for their planned unit development with a letter outlining an agreement between the Lowell School and neighbors attached be adopted. The motion failed for lack of a second.
Commissioner Black moved that the Commission adopt a resolution supporting the Lowell School application for an extension of time for their planned unit development, deleting the phrase “we find this agreement to be reasonable” from the Resolved paragraph and with no letter attached. Commissioner Whatley seconded the motion. The motion was adopted unanimously, 5 yes, 0 no.
Commissioner Anderson moved to adopt the resolution with the letter from Lowell School describing its agreement with neighbors attached as an exhibit. Commissioner Singleton seconded the motion. The motion was not adopted, 2 yes, 3 no.
The adopted resolution:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A (the Commission) takes note of the following:
The Lowell School, 1640 Kalmia Road N.W., Washington, D.C., (the Applicant) has applied for an extension of time for their planned unit development approved by Zoning Commission Order No. 849-B (ZC97-16A) which expired on November 26, 2016.
The Applicant cites several reasons for this request:
· A two-year delay in beginning the project due to a modification approved in 2012.
· Delays in the demolition of the Fraser Building.
· Delays due to an application for a minor modification to the proposed parking and play area which was approved but then vacated by the Zoning Commission in September, 2016 based upon the Commission’s finding that the proposed modification was a modification of significance for which a hearing should be held. The Applicant no longer intends to make the modifications requested in its application for a minor modification but rather will proceed as stated below due to consultations with the community and the feedback received.
· Lowell and the community have engaged in discussions to reach a mutually agreeable resolution and have agreed as follows: (1) Rather than seeking modification of previously approved plans, Lowell will proceed only with the construction of the play area and parking area shown on Plan B, as approved in Exhibit 51 (Tab B), Sheet A2-3.01-3 in Zoning Commission Case No. 97-16A (Order No. 849-B); and (2) the community will consent to Lowell’s application for an extension of one year for Order No. 849-B (ZC97-16A).
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A (the Commission) finds this request for an extension of time to be reasonable, commends the Applicant and the community for working together to reach such a resolution, and supports the application of Lowell School for an extension of time to November 26, 2017 to complete its planned unit development. The Commission recommends that the Zoning Commission approve this application.
At this point, Commissioner Anderson left the meeting.
Commissioner Whatley noted that according to DC Code §1-309.11(b)(1), a quorum of the Commission is determined based on a majority of sitting single-member district commissioners, so long as a majority of single-member districts are represented. The current number of occupied single-member districts is seven. A quorum of the Commission is therefore four commissioners.
Commissioner Black noted the presence of a quorum and proceeded to the next agenda item.
4) Resolution: R4A-16-1203 Recommendations regarding DC Public Schools Application to the Board of Zoning Adjustment for a Special Exception to construct a rooftop penthouse at Shepherd Elementary School, 7800 14th Street NW
Following a presentation from Mr. Eupert Braithwaite, Department of General Services, Commissioner Black moved that the Commission adopt a resolution supporting its application for a special exception. Commissioner Whatley seconded the motion. The motion was adopted, 4 yes, 0 no. Commissioner Black again noted the presence of a quorum.
The adopted resolution:
That ANC 4A supports the application of Shepherd Elementary School for a special exception from the Zoning Regulations to construct a rooftop penthouse to house building equipment, including heating and air conditioning equipment, and to eliminate the construction of rooftop screens, as shown in documentation from their application, attached.
5) Resolution: Walter Reed Building 14, Abrams Hall, HPRB Review
Following a presentation from Mr. Chapman Todd and Ms. Anne Merica, Help USA, Commissioner Whatley moved that the Commission address a letter to the Historic Preservation Review Board stating that it does not oppose the proposed design changes for the exterior of Abrams Hall as described to the Commission. Commissioner Black seconded the motion. The motion was adopted unanimously, 4 yes, 0 no.
The approved letter:
Hon. Gretchen Pfaehler, AIA
Mr. Tim Dennee
Architectural Historian
Historic Preservation Review Board
1100 4th Street, SW, Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
RE: Building 14, Abrams Hall, Walter Reed Army Medical Center Historic District – Exterior Alterations
Dear Chairperson Pfaehler and Mr. Dennee:
At its regularly scheduled meeting on December 6, 2016 (notice of which was properly given, and at which a quorum of four of seven members was present) Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A (the Commission) voted (4 yes, 0 no) to advise the Historic Preservation Review Board as follows:
The Commission heard a presentation from the Applicant, HELPUSA, regarding their proposed changes to the exterior of Abrams Hall. The Applicant answered questions from the Commission and the public.
The Commission has no objection to the proposed changes as presented by the Applicant.
Pursuant to applicable District laws, each Advisory Neighborhood Commission ("Commission") may advise the Council of the District of Columbia, the Mayor and each executive agency, and all independent agencies, boards and commissions of the government of the District of Columbia with respect to all proposed matters of District government policy, including, but not limited to, decisions regarding planning, streets, recreation, social services programs, education, health, safety, budget, and sanitation which affect that Commission area [D.C. Official Code §§ 1-309.l0(a)];
The Commission submits this letter under the provisions of DC Code 1-309.10(a) through 1-309.10(h)(1), which require, among other things, that Advisory Neighborhood Commission recommendations be given “great weight” by DC government agencies, that DC government agencies “articulate with particularity and precision the reasons why the Commission does or does not offer persuasive advice under the circumstances. In doing so, the government entity must articulate specific findings and conclusions with respect to each issue and concern raised by the Commission.”
Gale Black, ANC 4A08
Community Comments and Concerns
There were no community comments or concerns.
Presentations and Reports
1) Mr. Philipp McCauley, Executive Office of the Mayor, gave a report on current issues and projects of concern to the Mayor’s office.
2) Ms. Sheryl Newman, Chief of Staff, Ward Four Councilmember Brandon Todd, reported on current issues and projects of concern to the Councilmember.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 PM.