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Minutes – Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4A
September 1, 2015 Regular Public Meeting
NOTE: A record of commissioners making motions or seconding motions is not available for these minutes.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, Commissioner Stephen Whatley, Chair (and ANC 4A03) presiding. It was held at the MPD’s 4th District Community Room, 6001 Georgia Avenue, NW. Also present were Commissioners 4A01 Acqunetta Anderson, 4A02 Dwayne Tolliver, 4A04 Patience Singleton, 4B06 Karrye Braxton, 4A07 Dave Wilson, and 4A08 Gale Black. A quorum was present for all votes. Commissioner 4A05 Kim Worthy was absent.
Approximately 25 community members attended the meeting.
1) Approval of the Agenda
It was moved and seconded that the agenda be approved as presented. The agenda was approved by vote.
Chair Whatley announced that the next meeting of the Commission would be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, at the Ft. Stevens Recreation Center.
2) Contract for Office Manager
It was moved that a contract between James H. Irwin and the Commission hiring him to provide services as the Commission’s office manager be approved. The contract provides for Mr. Irwin to work 20 hours per week for one year at a salary of $16.50 per hour. The contract may be renewed at the discretion of the Commission.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously
3) Installation of Traffic Calming Measures on Aspen Street
It was moved that the Commission request the District Department of Transportation to install traffic calming devices (speed humps) on Aspen Street NW between 14th and 16th Streets NW. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
4) Grant Application – Shepherd Park Elementary School PTA - $500.00
Representatives of the Shepherd Park Elementary School PTA presented their application for a grant of $500.00 to purchase percussion musical instruments for the music program at the school. It was moved that the Commission approve the application. The motion was seconded and approved.
5) Settlement Agreement – Decadence Café
It was moved that the Commission approve a settlement agreement with the Decadence Café, 6204 Georgia Avenue NW, which is applying for a license to sell beer and wine. The motion was seconded and approved, 6 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain.
6) Desta Café – Liquor License Application
It was moved that the Commission protest the application of the Desta Café, 6128 Georgia Avenue NW, to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for a liquor license, including music and dancing. The motion was seconded and approved, 6 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain.
7) Application for Consolidated Planned Unit Development – 7828 Georgia Avenue N.W.
It was moved that the Commission recommend to the Zoning Commission approval of an application for a Consolidated Planned Unit Development at 7828 Georgia Avenue N.W. The motion was seconded. The application is submitted by Douglas Development Corporation and affects the area bordered by Georgia Avenue NW, Kalmia Road NW and Eastern Avenue NW. It proposes the closing of an alley completely contained within this area. Following a presentation from Douglas Development and discussion, the motion was approved, 5 yes, 2 no.
8) Walter Reed Site Historic Preservation Master Plan
Following a presentation by representatives of Urban Atlantic regarding their historic preservation plan for the Walter Reed site, it was moved that the Commission recommend to the Historic Preservation Review Board that the plan be approved. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Presentations and Reports
1) Councilmember Brandon Todd, Ward 4, discussed current issues affecting the Ward, including projects to help reduce crime, and answered questions from Commissioners and the audience.
2) Mr. Kahlil Thompson, Executive Office of the Mayor, reported on the Mayor’s “Safer, Stronger DC” Initiative and other current issues.
The meeting was properly adjourned by seconded motion..
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