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Fort Stevens Recreation Center, Van Buren and 13th Streets, NW, Washington, DC
Roll Call: Commissioners Bennett, Toliver, Whatley, Wilson, and Black were in attendance.
Approximately 15 people were in attendance from the community.
Having determined that there was a quorum; Commissioner Toliver called the meeting to order at 7:16 PM.
a. MINUTES. Commissioner Bennett moved to accept the minutes from the July 5, 2012 meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson. Hearing no objections, the motion was passed unanimously.
b. QUARTERLY REPORT. Commissioner Toliver moved to approve the quarterly report ending June 30, 2012 with ending balances of $41,049.10 in checking and $40, 229.87 in savings (including a district allotment of $4,802.09 and a refund of $286.23 from the PATC grant). Motion seconded by Commissioner Whatley. Motion carried.
i. Commissioner Whatley reported the form we need to be exempt from interest withholding as an ANC is the W9. Commissioner Toliver moved to close the account and set up a new one in order to avoid withholdings. Motion seconded by Commissioner Black. Motion carried.
ii. The address change to include DC Government has been submitted to Wells Fargo. This is required by law.
iii. Check 3293 for rent was higher because it included $190.10 for peep hole installation
a. 1441 Rock Creek Ford Road, NW (Stephen Masciola, Pantheon Capital Partners, LLC). Commissioner Toliver moved that 4A approve the plans submitted by Developer, Stephen Masciola for 4 off-street parking spaces at 1441 Rock Creek Ford Road, NW – noting that this is in the best interest of the community and that the commission previously approved these plans in 2005. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson. All in favor. Motion carried.
b. Lowell School (Doug Odom). Noting the support of absent Commissioner Karl Kennedy, Commissioner Toliver moved that 4A recommend approval of request for modification of a previously approved planned unit development at Lowell School campus (“Parkside”). Motion seconded by Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion carried.
a. Commissioner Whatley yielded his time to Margaret Singleton, Vice President and Executive Director of the DC Chamber of Commerce Foundation (a 501c3 affiliate of the DC Chamber of Commerce). This group will help promote the Georgia Avenue corridor between Fern Street and Eastern Avenue. The foundation has a total of $137,500 available for area storefront improvements based on criteria set by the District’s Department of Small and Local Business Development. The foundation will offer assistance to about 75 local businesses after door-to-door visits.
b. Zoning Regulations (Commissioner Black). Commissioner Black, representing SMD 4A08, put forth three resolutions for consideration by the Commission:
i. Commissioner Black moved that ANC 4A support the area specific request of SMD 4A08 for the specific requirements pertinent to allowable accessory dwelling units, set-backs and side yards. Commissioner Toliver seconded Commissioner Black’s motion for resolution #1. Commissioner Bennett abstained. Motion carried.
ii. Commissioner Black moved that ANC 4A request that the Office of Zoning hold public hearings with adequate public notice of the proposed changes and provide the ANCs and public with the opportunity to comment before the Office of Zoning adopts or otherwise finalizes its proposed changes. Commissioner Toliver moved that ANC 4A adopt resolution #2 of Commissioner Black with respect to her SMD 4A08. Commissioner Whatley seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
iii. Commissioner Black moved that NC 4A write the DC Council Chairman and Councilmembers Bowser, Brown, Catania and Orange to urge the Council to hold public hearings on the proposed zoning updates and that any ANC 4A recommendations be recognized and supported. Commissioner Toliver seconded that ANC 4A support resolution #3 put forth by Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:34 PM.
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