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MINUTES of January 3, 2012 ANC 4A MEETING
Fort Stevens Recreation Center, Van Buren and 13th Streets, N.W., Washington, DC
Roll Call: In attendance were Commissioners Black, Bennett, Whatley, Wilson, Boyd, Toliver, and Kennedy. Absent was Commissioner Snow-Israel.
Approximately 10 persons were in attendance from the community.
Having determined that there was a quorum, Commissioner Whatley called the meeting to order at 7:15pm.
Chair’s Introductions
Roll call and introduction of seated commissioners.
Commissioner Whatley thanked his fellow commissioners and community for entrusting the position of chair to him over the past few years and invited former ANC Commissioner, Mr. Joseph Hairston, to the podium to conduct the 2012 ANC 4A Election of Officers.
ANC 4A Elections
Commissioner Hairston proceeded without objection to conduct the election of officers beginning with the position of the ANC 4A Chair.
Commissioner Dave Wilson nominated Commissioner Dwayne Toliver for the office of Chair. Commissioner Toliver accepted the nomination.
Commissioner Kim Boyd nominated Commissioner Gale Black for the office of Chair. Commissioner Black accepted the nomination.
There being no further nominations, nominations were closed with each nominee allowed a three minute speech.
Commissioner Dwayne Toliver was elected and assumed the position of ANC 4A Chair. The Commissioners cast 5 votes for Commissioner Dwayne Toliver and 2 votes for Commissioner Gale Black.
Commissioner Hairston proceeded without objection to conduct the election of the ANC 4A Vice-Chair.
Commissioner Steve Whatley nominated Commissioner Marian Bennett for the office of Vice-Chair. Commissioner Bennett accepted the nomination.
No voting is required if there is only one nominee. There being no opposition, nominations were closed.
Commissioner Marian Bennett remains the ANC 4A Vice-Chair.
Commissioner Hairston proceeded without objection to conduct the election of the ANC 4A Secretary.
Commissioner Gale Black nominated Commissioner Kim Boyd for the office of ANC 4A Secretary. Commissioner Boyd accepted the nomination.
No voting is required if there is only one nominee. There being no opposition, nominations were closed.
Commissioner Kim Boyd remains the ANC 4A Secretary.
Commissioner Hairston proceeded without objection to conduct the election of the ANC 4A Treasurer.
Commissioner Steve Whatley nominated Commissioner Karl Kennedy for the office of ANC 4A Treasurer. Commissioner Kennedy respectfully declined the nomination.
Commissioner Gale Black nominated Commissioner Stephen Whatley for the office of ANC 4A Treasurer. Commissioner Whatley accepted the nomination.
No voting is required if there is only one nominee. There being no opposition, nominations were closed.
Commissioner Stephen Whatley was elected and assumed the position of ANC 4A Treasurer. The Commissioners cast 6 votes for Commissioner Stephen Whatley and 1 vote for Commissioner Karl Kennedy.
Commissioner Toliver thanked Mr. Hairston for his service and stated he will only serve as ANC 4A Chair for a period of one year and will not seek re-election.
ANC Minutes, Treasurer’s Report, Administrative Actions
Commissioner Toliver moved for acceptance of the December 6, 2011 minutes after a review by the seated commissioners. Commissioner Wilson requested clarification on whether the balance of $62,151.62 was that of checking or savings. Commissioner Black confirmed the balance was from checking and provided a copy of the monthly report of financial activity (Period: November 1 to December 1, 2011) to be appended to last month’s minutes. Commissioner Whatley moved the minutes be accepted as amended and was seconded by Commissioner Wilson. All were in favor. Motion passed.
Commissioner Whatley will present Treasurer’s Report at the February 7 meeting.
Paul Public Charter School (Genee Robinson, Development Associate)
Paul Public Charter School requested $2000 in support of its three extended day programs: Men In Training, Distinguished Gentlemen of Tomorrow, and Boys' Book Club. The grant would cover stipends for facilitators and materials for students.
Since a grant cannot replicate services already provided by the District government, Commissioner Toliver asked Ms. Robinson to confirm whether or not these programs currently receive funding and to look for alternative school programs not supported by the city for the commission to consider at a future meeting. In the meantime, Ms. Robinson was advised to ask ANC 4B for support, which is where the school resides.
It was noted that ANC 4A could not give a grant directly to a school. The grant request must come from an affiliated organization such as a PTA.
14th Street Development (Taulib-Din Uqdah)
Taulib-Din Uqdah, President and Executive Director of the 14th St. Uptown Business Association presented a complete listing of every business and commercial property in the Ward 4 community. The report includes properties for sale and/or lease, vacant and occupied, church storefronts, as well as office and apartment/condominium/co-op complexes located on commercially zoned streets, with listings of homes that are also zoned commercial.
Mr. Uqdah requested that the commission keep this document and review it for any errors/omissions or changes that need to be made so that the next publication can be as current as possible.
Visit for more information.
Commissioner Discussions/Presentations
Board of Zoning Public Hearing on 12/22/11 (Commissioner Black)
On December 22, Commissioner Black presented the ANC 4A resolution opposing the changes to the zoning map because it could open the door for changes that had not been anticipated by the district.
The Board of Zoning has offered to brief the ANC on January 11, 2012 at 11a.m. and has postponed action until ANC 4A is satisfied with their explanation for the proposed changes.
ANC Residential Facility Notification Amendment Act of 2011 (Commissioner Whatley)
There is a proposal before the city to notify all Advisory Neighborhood Commissions when a Community-Based Facility (CBF) will be located within a commission area.
Commissioner Whatley testified as an individual ANC and not for ANC 4A as a commission, supporting the passage of this act.
2012 Meeting Dates (Commissioner Black)
ANC 4A adopted the 2012 meeting schedule with all meetings being held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:15pm at Fort Stevens Recreation Center.
There are two exceptions to the schedule due to primary and general election days. In the months of April and November, the ANC 4A will meet on Wednesday, April 4 and Wednesday, November 7.
Should any meeting require rescheduling due to inclement weather, appropriate notice will be given via neighborhood listserves and the ANC 4A website.
Commissioner Bennett moved for approval of schedule subject to confirmation of dates and was seconded by Commissioner Boyd. Motion passed without opposition.
ANC Security Fund (Commissioner Black)
Commissioner Whatley moved that ANC 4A approve participation in the ANC Security Fund and authorize spending the $25 participation fee as required by DC law. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyd. All in favor. Motion passed.
Community Concerns
Joy Holland, Chief of Staff for Muriel Bowser
On Monday, January 9, 2012 there will be a hearing on the senior citizens property tax exemption to $125k from the $100k that it is now. Commissioner Wilson asked for an analysis on the inflation adjustment for this exemption that was set approximately 25 years ago and how much revenue has been lost.
The council is moving in emergency session on the ethics bill due to the upcoming primary election on April 3. This bill is focused only on the Mayor and the Council and not on ANCs. The ethics bill is available online on the council website.
Commissioner Douglass Sloan, ANC 4B
Commissioner Sloan appeared requesting a resolution from ANC 4A to get the council to allocate a majority of the iGaming revenue toward education initiatives rather than depositing all revenue into the general fund.
The Council convenes on this matter on January 26, 2012.
Commissioner Judi Jones spoke out in support of Commissioner Sloan in his efforts and due diligence.
It was the consensus of the commissioners that there was not enough information to properly vote on this matter.
Andrew Samuels, Principal of McFarland Middle School
Located at 4400 Iowa Avenue in ANC 4C, McFarland is the only DCPS middle school in Ward 4 and they are starting student recruitment next week.
Michael Sindram
Requested the commission sponsor a candidates forum
Asked if any nuisance law has been enforced concerning the Occupy DC movement
Claimed Pepco has not paid $779 million into the city coffers and believes Pepco is retaliating against his claims by disconnecting his service.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42pm.
ANC 4A01 Commissioner Karl Kennedy
North Portal Estates, Colonial Village, and portions of Shepherd Park
ANC 4A02 Commissioner Dwayne Toliver, Chair
Shepherd Park
ANC 4A03 Commissioner Stephen A. Whatley, Treasurer
Portions of Shepherd Park and Brightwood
ANC 4A04 Commissioner Marian C. Bennett, Vice Chair
ANC 4A05 Commissioner Habieba Snow-Israel
Fort Stevens and Brightwood
ANC 4A06 Commissioner Kim Boyd, Secretary
ANC 4A07 Commissioner Dave Wilson
16th Street Heights
ANC 4A08 Commissioner Gale Black
Crestwood, Crestwood North and portions of 16th Street Heights
Respectfully Submitted by,
Kim Boyd (ANC 4A06), Secretary
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