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MINUTES of October 4, 2011 ANC 4A MEETING
Fort Stevens Recreation Center, Van Buren and 13th Streets, N.W., Washington, DC
Roll Call: Commissioners Gale Black, Dwayne Toliver, Steve Whatley, Dave Wilson, Kim Boyd, and Marian Bennett were present. Commissioners Karl Kennedy and Habieba Israel were absent.
Having determined that there was a quorum; Commissioner Whatley called the meeting to order at 7:26pm.
a. Agenda: Following a motion by Commissioner Whatley, the commission unanimously adopted the agenda with three omissions: the DCHA presentation, Elizabeth Noel nomination, and Friends of Shepherd Field.
b. Minutes: Following a motion by Commissioner Whatley, the commission unanimously adopted the minutes of the September 6, 2011 meeting.
a. iGaming (Commissioner Doug Sloan, ANC 4B)
i. Doug Sloan, ANC 4B Commissioner, is working with a group of ANCs and community leaders to start a grassroots movement to support the implementation of the iGaming law on the basis that a large portion of the revenues will be earmarked for social and education programs in the District and for infrastructure repair. Community meetings have been scheduled for October and November to provide an opportunity for the public to weigh in. Commissioner Toliver moved that ANC 4A table any actions concerning iGaming until the District of Columbia City Council holds public hearings on the law, and provides ANCs at least 60 days prior notice to allow hearings thereon. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bennett and was unanimously accepted.
a. Bylaws (Commissioner Bennett)
i. The decision to vote on the amended bylaws for ANC 4A was tabled until next month. In the meantime, any comments or recommendations are to be forwarded to the attention of Commissioner Bennett for the November meeting.
b. Budget (Commissioner Black)
i. Commissioner Black moved that ANC 4A accept the fiscal year 2012 budget as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Toliver and unanimously approved. The savings account balance was $40,218.35 and the checking account balance was $58,567.27.
c. Parking (Commissioner Toliver )
i. Due to increased use of the new Shepherd Elementary field, Commissioner Toliver has approached the Department of Public Works about truncating the hours for Stoddert in an effort to address quality of life issue for residents along Jonquil and between 14th and 16th Streets. There will be another community meeting held on October 25th at Shepherd Elementary to propose compressing weekend field times to 10am – 4pm, with a break between 1 – 3pm where no games will be held.
a. Jourdinia Brown raised concern over the appearance of Eddie’s on the 7700 block of Georgia Avenue as a neighborhood eyesore. Commissioner Toliver has spoken with the owner and plans to send an email to Bill Holland requesting immediate attention to this property. Commissioner Whatley stated there had also been former requests to MPD for special emphasis to the 7700 block of Georgia Avenue over the summer for suspicious activity.
b. Joy Holland appeared on behalf of Councilmember Bowser with handouts for the community on a newly introduced bill entitled “Fundraising Accountability and Reform Amendment Act of 2011.” The bill is aimed at identifying and deterring conflicts of interest and would require detailed information about outside income, assets, and associations with businesses and organizations located in and out of the District of Columbia.
c. Chairman Whatley made a plea to those present to continue to patronize the businesses along Georgia Avenue. With the closing of Walter Reed, there has been a significant decrease in foot traffic. There will be a meeting tomorrow (Wednesday, October 5) at 6:30 pm at 16th and Jonquil regarding Walter Reed Reuse. Commissioner Toliver urged early arrival as seats will fill up quickly.
d. The new traffic circle at 14th and Leegate is poorly designed and dangerous. The signage is not clear and residents urge this be rectified prior to winter. The issue has been reported to the Department of Transportation for remedy.
e. Renee Bowser, member and immediate past chair of WPFW’s local station board asked Ward 4 residents to purchase $30 tax deductible tickets to attend U Street Jam. This fundraising event will be held on Saturday, November 12 from 8am – 2pm at Prince Hall Masonic Lodge. WPFW is non-profit radio station (89.3 FM) that needs to relocate and purchase new equipment by July 2012. Call 202-588-0999 ext. 0 to reach volunteer coordinator.
f. The final redistricting meeting will be held on Thursday, October 6. ANC 4A will post the listing of the various proposed boundary changes on its website.
g. ANC 4A will draft a letter in honor of Everett Scott (“Scotty”), a very active community member.
Meeting adjourned at 8:46pm.
ANC 4A01 Commissioner Karl Kennedy
North Portal Estates, Colonial Village, and portions of Shepherd Park
ANC 4A02 Commissioner Dwayne Toliver
Shepherd Park
ANC 4A03 Commissioner Stephen A. Whatley, Chair
Portions of Shepherd Park and Brightwood
ANC 4A04 Commissioner Marian C. Bennett, Vice Chair
ANC 4A05 Commissioner Habieba Israel
Fort Stevens and Brightwood
ANC 4A06 Commissioner Kim Boyd, Secretary
ANC 4A07 Commissioner Dave Wilson
16th Street Heights
ANC 4A08 Commissioner Gale Black, Treasurer
Crestwood, Crestwood North and portions of 16th Street Heights
Respectfully Submitted by,
Kimberly Boyd (ANC 4A06), Secretary
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