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MINUTES of September 6, 2011 ANC 4A MEETING
Fort Stevens Recreation Center, Van Buren and 13th Streets, N.W., Washington, DC
Commissioner Stephen Whatley called the meeting to order at 7:18pm.
Roll Call: Commissioners Gale Black, Marian Bennett, Steve Whatley, Kim Boyd, and Habieba Israel were present. Commissioners Karl Kennedy, Dwayne Toliver, and Dave Wilson were absent.
Having determined that there was a quorum; Commissioner Whatley called the meeting to order.
a. Minutes: ANC 4A unanimously voted to table the minutes until October 2011 meeting.
b. Treasurer’s Report: ANC 4A unanimously approved the Treasurer’s Report.
c. Quarterly Report: ANC 4A unanimously approved the Quarterly Report.
a. Higher Achievement Program (Matt B. Thornton, Director of Volunteer Management)
i. After-School volunteers are needed to be academic mentors and study hall aides for local middle school students starting this fall. The time commitment is 2 hours per week from 6-8pm. Commissioner Whatley suggested placing a blurb on the list serve(s) to solicit involvement. Commissioner Boyd suggested placing an ad in the Northwest Current. Matt Thornton can be reached at 202.375.7733 or via email at
b. Building Partnerships (Ernie Marcus and Michael Milliner)
i. The 5940/5950 Piney Branch Cooperative Association in conjunction with Building Partnerships is trying to secure money for the development cost of the property located at 5940/5950 Piney Branch Ave, NW, at the SW intersection of Peabody (between 13th and Georgia – behind the McDonald’s) and asked for ANC 4A’s support of the application to DHCD for further funding. Commissioner Boyd moved that ANC 4A write a letter of support. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Black. Commissioner Boyd will draft a letter for Commissioner Whatley’s signature. Additional information on Building Partnerships, LLC can be found at
c. DC Water (Emanuel D. Briggs)
i. Small Diameter Water Main Replacement Project at 14th St. NW and Locust Road NW. As part of its Capital Improvement Program, DC Water will replace existing 12-inch and smaller cast iron water mains to improve the water quality and system reliability, increase water pressure and maintain adequate flows throughout the system. DC Water does not anticipate any conflict with other utility lines and will begin the work in late October and finish before November 15 (weather permitting). During construction, the noise level at night will not be that great since jack hammering and cutting will be done during the day. The anticipated cost to the taxpayer is $5.8 million with this particular intersection coming in at just under $100,000. Commissioner Whatley stated that this information will be placed on the list serves. For more information on these and other projects, visit
d. Community Health Partnership (Elaine Ellis)
i. Organization is based in Ward 4 at Nativity Church. They have 3 Health Kiosks in the neighborhood for people to have access to free basic risk assessments with one placed at Ft. Stevens Recreation Center. These assessments were developed by the Harvard School of Public Health.
e. Lowell School Historic Preservation Application (Doug Odom, Director of Finance and Operations)
i. Doug Odom appeared before the Commission to ask for a vote of support in favor of Lowell – appealing to the review board to deny the application since it was filed without the knowledge or cooperation of the school or to exempt the Fraser building from historic designation since the building is less than fifty years old. A hearing is scheduled for September 22, 2011.
ii. Neighbor turnout included Charanjit Brahma, Richard Hague, and Michel Martin who feel that the application does not represent the consensus of the community and also asked that the ANC reject the application.
iii. Mr. Sefton from the DC Historic Preservation League presented their position in favor of the landmark designation along with neighbors Sharon Giles and Cynthia Lightfoot who are in support of “green space.”
iv. Commissioner Bennett moved for ANC 4A to oppose the historic designation of Lowell School and was seconded by Commissioner Boyd. Roll Call Vote was 4-1-3 as follows: Commissioners Kennedy – absent, Toliver – absent, Whatley – yea, Bennett – yea, Israel – nay, Boyd – yea, Wilson – absent, Black – yea.
a. Redistricting (Commissioner Black)
i. There was a motion for ANC 4A to adopt the recommendations as described by the Ward 4 map presented by Commissioner Black for use at September 21st Redistricting Task force meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Israel.
b. Firearms Retail Sales (Commissioner Whatley)
i. Commissioner Bennett moved for ANC 4A to support the provision that allows the retail sales of firearms from law enforcement establishments within 300 feet of a residence, special purpose zone district; or a church or other place of worship, a public or private school, a public library or playground. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Whatley. Roll Call Vote was 2-1-2-3 as follows: Commissioner Kennedy – absent, Toliver – absent, Whatley – yea, Bennett – yea, Israel – abstain, Boyd – nay, Wilson – absent, Black – abstain. The motion carried 2-1.
c. Shepherd Field/Marvin Caplan Park (Commissioner Whatley)
i. Unspent ANC 4A grant funds ($1656.23) were returned upon request from Friends of Shepherd Park. The bank draft that was returned must be re-issued in the form of a check made payable to ANC 4A. Friends of Shepherd Park have the option to appear before the Commission at a later date to make another request.
d. Walmart (Commissioner Whatley)
i. The LTR was approved and the official document is available online.
e. PEPCO (Commissioner Whatley)
i. There will be a Pepco meeting in a few weeks, at which time Commissioner Whatley will have updates to provide.
a. The Mayor has proposed taking 2012 budget funds from Main St. Georgia Avenue so that a police station can be built on New Jersey Avenue. Commissioner Whatley recommends ANC 4A takes formal action at next meeting after further investigation is concluded.
b. Friends of Rock Creek’s Environment is working with property owners to disconnect their downspouts to divert water onto lawns or gardens as a way to keep water out of the sewer system and keep local rivers cleaner. Commissioner Whatley offered to place this information on our list serves.
c. Keith Holman from the Mayor’s Office on Neighborhood Engagement stood to introduce himself and offer his services. He can be reached at
d. Michael Sindram offered commentary on Walmart, UDC, iGaming, and a book entitled “Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth.”
e. Commissioner Black moved for ANC 4A to approve the request for $1200 for refurbishing historic signs in Crestwood. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bennett. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm
ANC 4A01 Commissioner Karl Kennedy
North Portal Estates, Colonial Village, and portions of Shepherd Park
ANC 4A02 Commissioner Dwayne Toliver
Shepherd Park
ANC 4A03 Commissioner Stephen A. Whatley, Chair
Portions of Shepherd Park and Brightwood
ANC 4A04 Commissioner Marian C. Bennett, Vice Chair
ANC 4A05 Commissioner Habieba Israel
Fort Stevens and Brightwood
ANC 4A06 Commissioner Kim Boyd, Secretary
ANC 4A07 Commissioner Dave Wilson
16th Street Heights
ANC 4A08 Commissioner Gale Black, Treasurer
Crestwood, Crestwood North and portions of 16th Street Heights
Respectfully Submitted by,
Kimberly Boyd (ANC 4A06), Secretary
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